Friday, March 27, 2009


&+ this thing we have,its ridiculous.
You got me sprung,You got my head spinning.
You got me thinking shit I was never thinking.
But let me stop here, im getting kind of caught up.
Never seen this coming, but im more than with it.=]

But there's one problem,& your involved in it.
However I don't want you to be offended.
Your not my type, its not your fault.
I fxcked up bigtime, & these are always my thoughts ;;

still brainstorming ;
see the sunshine
but the rain still forminq
Pains getting stronger
cant really pinpoint -where it went wrong&& all i know is that
i shoulda seen it all along & Maybe I need a different
approach with me to find out how it really was suspose to be .
once again, its not your fault, its mine,
you are the perfect guy.
maybe not for me.
lets just let it be.
because you love me.
but i still dont know if i love thee.
your more than average,
your like a dream come true.
but i rather live in reality.

ahhhhhhhh what a day.=/

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